One of the largest, efficient, renowned and reliable private detective agency in KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL, INDIA, since 1999
This private detective agency in Kolkata is Working with dedication, confidence, sincerity and professionalism.
Working AS EMPANNELD PRIVATE INVESTIGATION AGENCY with various nationalized and private banks, Corporate houses, having lakhs of individual clients.
As a private investigation agency in Kolkata we have a strong association with Journalists, Doctors, Professors, Police officers ( both retd. & working), Advocates and other top level professionals to solve various problems of our clients.
Our teams of private investigators are working round the clock to provide best services to our clients.
Now corporate and other people from all over the World can trust on us to solve their problem. They feel free to contact us anywhere, anytime.
Services we offered
Investigation , Surveillance, Verification of Assets
Searching out the names and addresses of Legal Heirs of a deceased defendant
Finding out Absconding Defaulters and Missing Person
Pre Loan Disbursement Investigation, Pre and Post Employment Screening
Pre and Post Matrimonial Enquiries
Hand Writing Analysis ( Graphology) and verification, Finger print verification
Audio/ Video recording,
Market Survey- In any field
Please do not feel alone
You may call at 9831040887 or